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  • Test item

    1. Food nutrition analysis

     1) Free amino acids and Hydrolysis amino acids(such as glutamic acid,  threonine, tryptophan, lysine hydrochloride, lysine sulfate, valine, proline, isoleucine, glutamine, theanine)

     2) Protein(such as crude protein, true protein, non-protein nitrogen and formaldehyde nitrogen)

     3) Crude fat, crude fiber, carbohydrates

     4) Carbohydrate (such as total sugar, glucose, maltotriose, maltohexaose, trehalose)

    2. Nucleosides and nucleotides analysis(Inosine, guanosine, adenosine, uridine, guanine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, adenine, guanine nucleotide, inosine acid, inosine monophosphate disodium guanylate, I+G, RNA)

    3. Feed (such as monosodium glutamate residue, nucleotide residue) and Fertilizer (such as organic fertilizer, fertilizer) analysis

    4. Condiments (such as MSG, soy sauce, vinegar) analysis

    5. Polysaccharides (such as pullulan, trehalose), xanthan gum, natamycin analysis

    6. Raw materials (such as corn gluten meal, corn germ, starch milk, corn syrup,glucose, etc.) analysis

    7. Food contamination analysis

    Metals (such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and arsenic)

    Solvent residues (such as methanol, ethanol, triethyl phosphate)

    Packaging pollutants (16 kinds of plasticizers)

    8. Infrared Spectroscopy

    9. Our laboratory provide customers with analytical method development and product testing consulting.

    Center Laboratory

    Center has a variety of large and medium-sized analysis more than 50 Taiwan (sets) of testing instruments, value of more than 500 ten thousand yuan. Include domestic and foreign advanced detection equipment. such as Amino acid analyzer、High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument、High performance liquid chromatograph、Atomic absorption spectrometer、Gas chromatograph、Fourier transform infrared spectrometer、Fully automatic potentionmetric titration、Ultraviolet spectrophotometer、Fully automatic moisture meter、High-throughput microwave extraction workstation、Refrogerated centrifuge、Refractometer、Conductivity meter、Ultraprue water machine、Brooke viscometer、Automatic kay type nitrogen determination apparatus.


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    Registered address: Kim Lhasa Tibet autonomous region west road no. 189

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