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  • Tongliao Meihua was awarded with the honor of "China quality credit enterprise".



    In the national import and export enterprise quality credit experience exchange conference held at the end of September, as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Meihua group,Tongliao Meihua biological technology co., LTD was awarded with the title "China quality credit enterprise", the organizerChina entry-exit inspection and quarantine association rewarded us this prize.

    This activity is held based on the spirit of "Quality Development Outline” of the state council, the Outline put forward thatshould further promote the construction for import and export enterprise quality good faith system, build the honest social atmosphere and credit environment. Therefore, in May of this year China entry-exit inspection and quarantine association launched the 2015 national import and export enterprise quality good faith creation activities.

    After more than 4 months of review, Meihua group finally won the honor of "China quality credit enterprise"depending on its excellence in quality management system and integrity-based business philosophy.

    Since the establishment, Tongliao Meihua has adhered to honesty, always implemented the "quality first" principle, strictly abided by the requirements in quality, food safety, environment and occupational health management system.Since 2007, Meihua passed smoothly every year’s the third party audit for the company's ISO9001 quality management system, ISO22000 food safety management system, ISO14001 environmental management system and ISO18000 occupational health and safety management system reviewed by the national authority certification audit company and audit from international customers to go through. In 2014, Tongliao Meihua also won the highest quality honor of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the "President quality prize".

    Since starting the foreign trade in 2009, the products categories, sales volume and sales amount of Meihua group foreign trade haveincreased obviously year by year. Main export products include monosodium glutamate, glutamic acid, threonine, lysine, valine, glutamine, more than dozen kinds, are exported to more than 60 countries and regions such as Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States.


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