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  • In 2014 Tibet capital market executive training session was held in our company


    On November 24, 2014, held by the securities regulatory bureau of Tibet Tibetan prefecture capital market in 2014 senior management personnel training "training floor held in our company, the training will be provided by Our company to undertake and the securities to the reception and assist, participants listed companies and listed companies, 15 chairman, general manager and a total of more than 30 senior executives, our company chairman Meng Qingshan, general manager Wang Aijun, vice-general manager He Jun, vice-general manager Liang Yubo and secretary Yang Huixing and Chief Financial Officer Li Yonggang Many executives took part in the training.

    A one-day training time, before the official start of the meeting agenda, the Tibet securities regulatory bureau chief Chou Yongming in training made an important speech at the meeting, emphasizes the significance and importance of the training, this paper expounds the present situation of the capital market, now, as a listed company executives in daily work should have what kind of response capacity and how to cooperate with each other. The official start of the talk after the meeting, by the CSRC Jing Yan director Zhuang Jiangbo teacher lecture and exchange, content of merger, acquisition and reorganization respectively reform explanation and the information disclosure system of explanation. In the process of teaching, everybody listen attentively and carefully make records, we have benefited a lot from the interpretation of curriculum, the participants agreed that the course of the listed company has very important guiding significance to the future work. Afternoon in Tibet securities regulatory bureau 索朗頓珠 director under the auspices of the symposium, first of all, by Our company chairman secretary Yang Huixing introduces the experience in corporate governance, Yang in the process of introducing total leadership frequently exchanged with other company governance, the atmosphere was very active. Second, companies respectively introduce the construction and operation of corporate governance, and finally, securities regulatory bureau Mr. Regulatory requirements for each company.

    Through this training, to achieve the communication between Tibetan listed companies within their respective jurisdictions, the purpose of the company executives unanimously reflect the good, and hope that securities regulatory bureau to organize similar training activities, make the reference each other between the listed company and learn the advanced management experience.

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