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  • Our company export supervised warehouse formally started operation and became the first in Tongliao area


    On June 6, 2014, Tongliao Company export supervised warehouse was put into operation after it approved by the customs acceptance. This is the first export supervised warehouse in Tongliao area, with a total investment of 3.5 million yuan, covering an area of 10692 square meters. The export supervised warehouse is the warehouse established with the approval of the customs, provides the goods have the customs export formalities with goods storage, bonded logistics distribution, value-added liquidity services. The establishment of the export supervised warehouse, will facilitate the company to deal with formalities of goods output at any time according to market changes at home and abroad, reduce the cost of products export to the greatest extent, reduce capital occupation, will be conducive to give full play to the logistics port advantage at the same time, provide another operation platform for the import and export trade of the region, further promote the foreign trade development of Tongliao city and surrounding areas.

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